Build prosperity in your

life by building Passion

I am on a mission to help 1000,000 passion preneurs  to build their Digital Ecosystem. Because of that, I have started passionfunda hub to learn Passion Building Blueprint and Passion preneur system. 

courses Details

01.Selver Level

Passionpreneur Blueprint .

Build your Passion by Doing Practical step-by-step.

INR 7999 /-


Follow the System, and We will help you to find your passion Path

Just following the system your can build your passion area, even if there is no technical knowledge.

Thousands of people were already benefited through this proven system, which is given by my Mentor, and the same path or system I am following and also providing to the people for the benefit of society.

Because we are on a mission to help 1000,00 people to find their passion and build Digital Ecosystem.


2. Gold Level

Passionpreneur System setups.

Build your Digital Ecosystem.

INR : 29,999

Learn Website building, Social Media Marketing , Youtube,Facebook Ads,

Build your Brand, and Learn the Social media marketing blueprint.

Know your passion and Grow your Passion

3.Diamond Level

Passionpreneur Goals setups.

Achieve your goals (90 days-180days,1000 days)

INR 49,999 /-

Weekly Live Meetings on the online platform,1-2-1, Hackathon,Live Reviews, and Much More….

You can achieve your passion path according to your passion, Expertise, and specialization area.

Just Focus, commitment, and passion are the key factor in each individual’s success

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